Why bother at all?
Hello, I feel like I need to write about why this website exists. If you haven't guessed by now I enjoy writing quite a bit. It started out as a way to vent during difficult times but slowly it evolved into something a bit more. Probably no one is going to read all this, reading is sort of this obscure artform these days. That being said I want to put something out there for the world to witness I suppose. I don't know why but I kind of like that idea.Making this website has been a weird roller coaster of highs and lows. I had no clue about how to design a website and honestly I still don't. This website is the collective effort of many youtube videos and me going to other websites to inspect the webpage and then copying the code from there. I didn't know google fonts were a thing so I spent hours looking for font's that weren't copyrighted and fitted my aesthetic. I almost gave up a couple of times and engineering tends to make your schedule fucked in general. Honestly it's a miracle that this even exists.
So coming back to topic, I want this to be a place to experiment with my writing and improve my skill in general. I mean that's about all the logical reasons I suppose but honestly working on this is so much fun and I want to do it lot's. At the end of the day that reason enough.
Thank you for reading.